I was looking for some information about Amouage and stumbled upon an other perfume blog, but I realised pretty quick that this so called blog had stolen a lot of my blog writing! They have copy and pasted a lot of my text and the pics I´ve used as well.
I know matter of copyright are really difficult on the net. I know that I use pictures that I find in not alsways a proper way, but I´ll never stated there where my own pictures (accept when they are).
In one way it´s a little flattering, but on the other hand, their readers probably belive that the one´s responsible for that blog also are the onés writing the articles. I suspect that they have rip-off other bloggers articles as well. Do you have a blog, then check out if you can find any of your work here:
Is there at all anything to be done about it? It do look a bit weird when they have copied, not only the reviews, but also my own personal top lists, and my shopping trips to Norrköping and perfume meetings in Stockholm as well as the drawings I´ve had (I can assure you, that if anyone have enter any draw on that blog, they haven´t got any price!). It is the English blog writing that has been copied.
I´ve heard about other perfume bloggers that have been through things like this, but never discovered my own works among it until now. Sad, boring and people without any imagination. And, if there is anyone knowing how I can "get my" articles back, please let me know!
Len She and Male (Michael Almairac) “Unforgettable Encounter”
25 minuter sedan
I can't believe it! I went to check it out and they just pasted all your posts - unbelievable. Can't you report them somewhere?
SvaraRaderaI think the comments have been taken down. All I got were tons of pop-up ads
SvaraRaderaWow, that's terrible. They took whole posts of yours! And they're making money off of misprepresenting the content as theirs. I think you should get a lawyer and see about sending them a cease and desist letter. Maybe tell their server host that they are violating copyright.
SvaraRaderaAnd immediately put a copyright message on this blog.
SvaraRaderaInes: I can´t belive what kind of person that obviously has followed my blog for a long time and copy so many of my postings like this. :(
SvaraRaderaThat is so horrible!!! What a terrible violation! They probably just cut-and-pasted whatever to attach pop-up ads to it, but how creepy!
SvaraRaderaWell, your true fans love you and read you, and know who you really are-- I hope that comes as some comfort...
That is so lame! I am very sorry... what stupidity!
SvaraRaderaClick the "report abuse" button - maybe someone will contact you through blogger! I cannot believe s/he just copied your posts like that!
SvaraRaderaThank you for the support, it was a bit shocking to dicover that they have used my articles to 100%. I have contacted Blogger and report it, but I do´nt know what they´ll do. If my content don´t dissapear from that site soon I think i can also contact the company that provides the adds, usually they are quite picky with how their adds are used.
SvaraRaderaThat just confirms my belief that people are scum. You should write to them and request to remove everything that's your writing otherwise there are other measures to be taken. solocha
SvaraRaderaany luck?