Now it´s one of those break downs again, and this time it isn´t because of some lovely friends or relatives visiting. No, I´ve got a serious back breakdown and can´t sit for longer then 5-10 minutes at the time. Anyway, now I´ve got me some painkillers and piled up a lot of crime novels and caressing myself witj some drops of Ava Luxes Midnight Violet so I guess I´ll manage...
Hope to see ya all soon again, until then there is after all several other nice perfume blogs to read.
Feel better soon! And enjoy the violets.
SvaraRaderatake good care!
SvaraRaderaI'm so sorry to hear that! Still, enjoy the down time as much as you can. Get better soon!
SvaraRaderaOh no! Not fun! Hope the pain goes away quickly. Take care of yourself.
SvaraRaderaThank you all, I´m feeling much better now. :)