söndag 22 maj 2011

Out of order...

I´m sorry about the lack of posting lately, but I´m not feeling well. Have been feeling strange since beginning of april and have had no idea why.

Sleeping issues, poor apetite and felt generally uninspired, tired and off. Not even new fragarnces has manage to caprute my interest, rather the other way around, new scents have felt "to much" and I´ve prefered the well known and familiar comfort scents during this period.

Anyway, now I think I´ve got a clue about what I suffer from, it can be a thyroid inflammation a condition I have had before even though it´s many years ago. Should have recognise the symptoms, but they´re rather diffuse and vague in the beginning and since I´ve been really healthy the last ten years or so I feel very un-used to being sick... I leave to the doctors to figure out if it´s really another thyroid inflammation and hope I can see one as soon as possible, even though the nurse I talked to didn´t had any time to give me the coming week. :(

I really hope for a speedy recovery. Until then I hope it´ll be a guest post about male fragrances from a well known brand by Habit Man and also I have some new fragrances to present that I hope to get around to in not to long time...

21 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, that sounds rather bad :/ I keep my fingers crossed the doctors will do their best to find the cause and you get well soon! :)

  2. Take it easy and rest. I hope you are feeling well as soon as possible.

  3. sending you healing thoughts!

  4. I hope you get well soon!
    I was already wondering what was happening as it's been quiet on your blogs for some time.

  5. Thank you all of you for your wishes and support. I´ve got an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, so I hope this will end quickly.

  6. Wishing you better, you poor soul.

    I hope that the doctor will be able to help you to recover soon, and that you take care of yourself.

    cheerio, be good to yourself, and don't try to do too much too soon!

    Anna in Edinburgh

  7. Oh, I'm sorry you're not well. Take care, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Thank you all, I hope I´ll feel better soon. It´s kind of like riding the roller coaster, very up and down.

  9. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. I hope you feel better soon. Have lots of relaxing thoughts, listen to music you like, drink a lot of water and take supplements, hopefully it will help.


  11. I'm hoping that you're getting the benefit of the Summer days there, and gradually becoming less unwell. I wouldn't like to think of you missing out on the wonderful Light in this season, especially now that we're so close to the Summer Solstice.

    Good luck with your recovery:-)

    cheerio, and look after yourself,

    Anna in Edinburgh

  12. How are you feeling? Hope the docs have found a diagnosis and treatment! XO

  13. hi, I'm Amir
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    please check it and send me your advice
    thank you much
    kind regards

  14. Sending best wishes to you, and hoping that you're recovering your health.

    Take care,

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

  15. Is it the Hashimoto disease or the autoimmune thyroiditis you're talking about? If it is, I have the same problem. And I know so well the symptoms... Well, the Bautech therapy helped me a lot, all you need is to find a good therapyst. Also, they say the bee products are very useful, especially propolis.
    Get well quickly, for I love your articles, as I said previously reading your reviews on AbdesSalaam Attar perfumes :)

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